life cycle of honey bees
- All honey bees begin their lives as eggs, which the queen lays in the middle to late winter to get ready for spring.
- In the brood region of the nest, the queen places each egg in the bottom of a wax cell. Hive
- After three days, an egg transforms into a larva.
- During the first three days of the colony, royal jelly is fed to both workers and queens.
nascent stage
- Nurse bees initially provide it with royal jelly, and then the workers eat pollen, nectar, and
weakened honey
- Queens will keep consuming royal jelly.
- This accelerates the larva's transition into the pupal stage.
- Good nutrition is thought to be crucial for larvae during this period.
- significance of the queen's upbringing's quality
For practically all life behaviors, honey bees use specialized pheromones, such as:
• Mating
➢ Alarm
To defend
• Direction
Colony identification
Production of food
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