Why Honey bees are important?
➢ Provide valuable productsfor our comfort, pleasure, & nutrition Honey, Wax, Pollen,Royal jelly, Venom Honey
➢ Produced from plant nectar
➢ The first sweetener (long before sugar cane)
➢ High demand for honey exists in local,regional and internationalmarkets.
➢ Honey is an important nutritive food, containing various kind of sugar, protein, free amino acids enzymes and vitamins with a high caloric value
➢ Its main sugars laevulose and dextrose are absorbed directly into the blood and provide rapid energy ➢ Bees pollinate crops and thus help increase yields
➢ Propolis, collected from plants by bees to cover the inside of the hive, treats a broad range of ailments
➢ Pollen, collected from plants by bees to feed their larvae, is used in the perfume industry, and is a food additive and a medicine
➢ Royal jelly, made by young bees from gland secretions and fed to the queen to make herstrong, has medicinal properties
➢ Beeswax is used in cosmetics, candles and polishes
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